"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Omar Khayyam

"Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sum, Sum, Summertime...in Wyoming!

We were lucky enough to spend most of July and August in Wyoming again this year. Wyoming happens to be my girls' favorite place in the world. You may have heard that Disney World is the "happiest place on earth," but for them, good ol' Wyoming is right up there, maybe even tops. I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the grandparents and the amount of spoiling that goes on there either...  

The "little" swingset grandma and grandpa
put in for the grandkids, then of course,
we had to rig it up as a waterslide 
It gets hot in Wyoming

Kate dressed for the fun in her "googles"

Ellie didn't hesitate for a second.
She climbed right up there to try out the slide.

It turned out to be lots of fun!

Kate thought so too!
(one of my favorite things this summer was her new gappy smile)

Barefeet, summertime, relaxing in the swing...
what could be better?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ellie Turns Two!

Whoever said, "the days are long, but the years are short," really had it right. My baby turned two this summer. Where does the time go? In some ways it feels like she has been a part of our family forever (we wouldn't be complete without her), and at the same time it feels like just yesterday she was a tiny, new baby. Well, whether I like it or not, she's two now. And when you get to be two you can do things like...

Eat push-pop suckers with your big sisters
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Open your presents all by yourself

And get really cool presents...like M&M's

Still didn't like the flame on the candles though...
It almost ruined the fun birthday theme we had going.
Had to get those things blown out quickly!

There, no more candles! Much better!

Now she's happy again!
Happy Birthday, Ellie!

Monday, December 19, 2011

One Incredible Guy

My Husband. One pretty incredible guy. Awhile back, a good friend of ours told us she was going to run a half-marathon. Simple enough, or so it would seem, but she had just had a baby less than six months before, and this got Jay to thinking...if she just had a baby and is out there running like that, why aren't I? So... he started running the very next week, and the rest is history. A training plan was decided upon, the first race was registered for, and the training runs were fit into the schedule and completed.

His first race was the "Beach to Chowder Half-Marathon," last June in Long Beach, WA. We booked a hotel room, and made a family weekend of it. The drive down along the coast and through the evergreen forests was beautiful. We stayed at a hotel on the beach, ate a ridiculously huge and delicious pizza at a restaurant on the broad walk,  and took the girls to play at an arcade afterwards. We also drove out to a bluff overlooking the ocean which happened to be the turnaround spot for the race. The view was breath-taking, nothing short of spectacular.    

The morning of the race dawned the way many mornings in Washington do...gray and overcast. We drove Jay down to the race start and wished him well. I think I may have been feeling as nervous as he was. Then the girls and I headed back to the hotel. It was nice, because the race course happened to go right by our hotel. So when it was time, we got to go right out our hotel door to cheer him on as he ran by. We kept our eyes peeled for the first runner with a yellow cap and fluorescent green compression socks. Good thing he was the only one. It was a lot of fun. And even though it was a cool and drizzly morning, it seemed perfect for the occasion.
"Go, Daddy, Go!!!"

Cheering for Jay as he runs by...

Heading for the finish line

The final stretch

Mission accomplished - 1st half-marathon completed!

Official Half-Marathon Finisher!
 We're more proud of him than he knows!

Watching and cheering for Jay proved to be an inspiration. We've been doing an awful lot of running and cheering since then, so I guess you could say...the rest is history.  

Friday, December 16, 2011

Those are some big shoes to fill!

These are some big shoes to fill

I should have no problem with that!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Everybody swing!

Guess it's pretty obvious what we were up to this day...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Eagles and Elephants and Budgies, Oh My!

At the end of the school year Kate's class took a field trip to the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma. We lucked out with some nice weather that day, and had a really enjoyable time. Kate felt so big and important to be going on her first school field trip. 

The elephants are always one of Kate's favorite

This year, Kate and Ellie especially loved the Budgie bird exhibit. While we were there a bird flew right down to Kate's seed stick, and she and Ellie watched in amazement. Of course, Ellie then threw a fit because she didn't have her own seed stick. But once that oversight had been corrected, they watched in amazement a second time while Ellie's bird ate. There are no photos of that round because I couldn't hold Ellie, help with the stick, and take photos all at the same time. Hey, I'm pretty talented, but I do have my limits.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sticker face

Warning: this is what you may look like after letting your big sister "decorate" your face with stickers
Sometimes the sticker temptation is just too hard to resist! 

Now that's pretty silly!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Time for a Smile!

Sometimes the simplest words say the most. I love this sweet girl of mine...she makes my heart happy. 

"I love Mommy. She is very nice," - Talk about bringing tears to a mama's eyes, and a giant smile :) along with it!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

This is fun!

Ellie loves playing with her big sisters. Dress up is especially entertaining!
This is fun! Right, Maddie?

Isn't this so much fun, Kate?

Yep! Most fun ever!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mother's Day

Back in May I had a very special Mother's Day thanks to my three very special girls. I always love the homemade gifts the best. This year Maddie made a beautiful pillow and Kate touched my heart by putting her thoughts down in a card. Moments like this are some of my favorite "mom moments" of all...

Thank you, my angels! I loved every minute of it!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Batter Up!

Oh, the fun to be had with a bat and some balls! We were looking for something fun to do one day this past spring, so we got the girls a bat and a tee and it was game time. Batter up!! My absolute favorite part was how almost every picture I took showed the girls closing their eyes at the moment of impact. So much for "keeping your eye on the ball." Now I can't wait until Ellie is big enough to take a crack at it too!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Popcorn Night!!!

Ellie loves popcorn night! We have it about once a week on Friday or Saturday night, and once we mention during the day that it will be popcorn night later, she makes sure to re-announce it to all of us several more times throughout the day. Then when we get out the popcorn popper and set to popping she's filled with extra energy, running from the kitchen to the living room and back again to check the progress of the popcorn and report back to her daddy and sisters. Then she gets to have the very important job of carrying the popcorn bowls into the living room for everyone, assuring me, "No spill, Mommy! Ellie no spill."     

And then comes the very best part of all, snuggles with Daddy while enjoying the popcorn!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Let's color some eggs!

The days before Easter were beautiful this year, so we decided to take the egg-coloring fun outside. No worries about the mess that way either. The girls had a lot of fun and Ellie enjoyed her first year of official egg-dyeing participation. 

Having lots of fun

The beautiful finished eggs

And the next morning there was the excitement of finding the Bunny's hidden surprises...

Don't forget the best part...chocolate before breakfast!