"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Omar Khayyam

"Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Office Supplies

Something strange is going on at our house. I refer to it as "The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Office Supplies." Apparently, office supplies, particularly pens, pencils and tape are highly valuable commodities in this house. You might say they are worth their weight in gold. If you have one of these items, you better guard it carefully, because anything left unattended will disappear and you'll never see it again. The sad part is that this is not even an exaggeration.

The need to write anything down is always met with an inability to find any type of writing implement whatsoever. A broken crayon may be able to be scrounged up, but that is about it. So, unable to ever come into the possession of a pen when needed, Jay discovered an online deal that was just too good to pass up. Six pounds of pens for $15. Yes, six pounds! Everyone was allowed to select their two favorite pens from the box, and it was a happy day. There is a sad part to this story however, and it is that despite the fact we now possess six pounds of pen, I still felt compelled to hide the remaining pens in the top of my closet. Why, you ask? Because I'm scared of how fast they might disappear if I don't. (smile and wink)

Bright Eyes

Ever since this little one arrived all the comments have been about her eyes. Yes, they're big. Yes, they're bright. And we wouldn't have it any other way! Here's to you, my beautiful, big-eyed girl. From your mommy who couldn't possibly be any more proud of you. And so lucky that I get to call you my own.

The Oregon Coast...does it get any better than this?

For the long 4th of July weekend we went on our traditional trip to the Oregon Coast. For the third year in a row we have enjoyed the sand, surf and incredible beauty offered by this part of the country. This year we were blessed with even nicer weather than usual and not a minute of the extra sunshine was wasted. The girls played in the sand and the waves every day and Jay took advantage of his new bogieboard. That man has superhuman powers when it comes to enduring cold water. I could barely let the waves touch my feet before they were aching from the cold, and Jay was full body bogieboarding with only a pair of swim trunks on. We saw several surfers wearing full wet suits and they were only in the water half as long as Jay was. It's crazy, I tell you! We had a lot fun seeing Jay's mom and his brother and family and enjoying the holiday.

One of the best things that happened this weekend was taking a romantic sunset walk on the beach with the love of my life. It was astoundingly beautiful, both the scenery and the moments together. I'm still so grateful for those moments we carved out of the evening for that walk. Words will never be able to convey how truly grateful I am that this man is the Daddy of my little girls, and the one I get to spend the rest of my life loving.

Dora the Explorer

Portrait of Dora and Boots

Around here we're still loving Dora as much as we ever were. Kate's affection for Dora the Explorer began a little after her first birthday. At that time Maddie liked Dora too, and it was a mutual interest the two of them shared. Since then, Maddie has moved on to other things, but Kate is still my Dora girl. It's an infatuation that's been going strong for four years. I expect it to continue, especially if Ellie is eventually swayed by her sister's opinion.

I love you, my gorgeous Buggie Bug!

Happy Birthday to the Bean!

She's one!!! My baby princess is one!! I seriously cannot belive how fast this year has gone by. Our little Bean is one now, wow! Kate has always enjoyed informing everyone that Ellie is zero, so I think the fact that she can't say that anymore is kind of sad.

I love you, Ellie. I love your little bow-legged walk, your super tight hugs, and your big open-mouth kisses.
Most of all, I love being your mom. It's bliss!

p.s. sorry this birthday post is a bit on the late side-better late than never I suppose.

Nature Collage

The girls made me my very own nature collage with things they gathered from our yard. It couldn't have been more perfect! Amazing how a brown paper bag, scotch tape, and some "treasures" from the yard can create the perfect gift.