"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Omar Khayyam

"Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

House Hunting and the Seattle Half Marathon

November of 2011 was a momentous month for our family as we prepared for our big move, and for me as I got ready to complete the goal I'd set for myself as a runner. First, we journeyed 3,000 miles to the other side of the country in search of a new house. It was a time of happiness, sadness, excitement and stress all rolled into one. In a week's time we saw over thirty houses, and though we didn't wind up with our first, or even second choice, the house that has come to be ours seems to be the one that was meant for us all along. It isn't big or fancy, but it is homey and just the right size for us. It sets on a quiet cul-de-sac in a nice neighborhood. We love the schools the girls attend, we have kind neighbors, and a spacious backyard that we all adore. So despite all the uncertainty and anxiety that went into getting here, we've found ourselves in just the place it seems we were meant to be.

The house that was meant for us

The backyard we are all so fond of

After finding this house, which we were hoping would be the perfect home for our family, but not yet entirely sure of that, we returned to the Pacific Northwest one last time. It would be the final month in our old home, a month of good-byes, packing, preparation, and anticipation.

Throughout our whirlwind house-hunting trip that took up the middle of November, I didn't get much running in. I guess it's a good thing it was time for a little tapering in my training plan at that point. November also marked the month I was completing my goal of running three half marathons in three months. The Seattle race would be the capstone of my mission. Earlier, Jay had surprised me by having sweatshirts made for the girls that said, "Go, Mama, Go!" They were going to be my own personal cheering squad for the race. Talk about being one lucky mama!

The Seattle marathon falls on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, so I got to experience the joy of running in the heart of Seattle's cold and rainy late fall weather. As luck would have it, wind got thrown into the mix too. Despite all of that, and running for the first time in a new rain jacket (I try to never run a race wearing something I haven't tried out before) it was a pretty great race. I was only four minutes off my PR, and considering my wonky training schedule in the weeks before, the hills along the course, and the weather, I couldn't have been happier. And of course, the very best part was my wonderful family, there to greet and congratulate me as I crossed the finish line. Three races, three months, mission accomplished! And a new house to boot!

Posing with my cheering squad

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