"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Omar Khayyam

"Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Great Houdini

I have no memory of Maddie ever trying to get out of the highchair. I'm sure when she was finished eating she may have tried to once or twice, but that's about it. Kate never tried to, period. I'm sure of that because we eventually removed the straps so they wouldn't be the way while we cleaned her up and put her in and out. Well silly us! With Ellie that's a completely different story. She can't be in the thing for more than five minutes without trying to escape. We have an extra strap in it now, and I tighten it as tight as it will go. I'm actually afraid sometimes that I might be getting it too tight and will hurt her little tummy. Well, the tight strap doesn't bother her in the least. I'm not quite sure how she does it, but she manages to wriggle out of that thing on a daily basis. One moment she's strapped tightly in and the next she's standing up and looking very pleased with herself. She doesn't seem to escape because she's finished eating, she would just rather stand and eat. I'm beginning to wonder why I bother. She's a virtual highchair Houdini!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is absolutely wonderful! What a great job! I love it! Maci you are an exceptional writer.