"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Omar Khayyam

"Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault

Friday, June 11, 2010

Learning to Fish. . .Pink Style

We took the girls to a new sporting goods store that opened up near our house. Whenever we go into a place like that they are magically drawn to whatever pink merchandise is on sale. It doesn't matter what it is, what it does, or what it looks like. Just as long as it's pink. Pink is the one and only qualifying factor. Well, Kate saw a pink fishing pole and that was it. We had to get it. Granted, the girls have both said before at various times that they've wanted to go fishing, so getting a pole didn't come entirely out of the blue (no pun intended). And Jay, being the awesome father of all girls that his is, got the pink pole and tackle box and bait to go with it. He too has long understood the power of pink.

We tried the new pole out and it was a resounding success. We didn't catch any fish, but that is entirely beside the point. Casting out the line and reeling it back in over, and over, and over was more than enough fun. There was even great excitement when Maddie managed to reel in a leaf. Actually, I think catching a real fish would have been too much, for now we're just acclimating to the new pink pole.

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