"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Omar Khayyam

"Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kate's Happy 6th!




What happens when you're lucky enough to spend your birthday with all of your family and friends in Wyoming? You get extra spoiled with two parties instead of just one, complete with two cakes and the whole shebang!

My sweet Kate turned six this summer! Six!!! I can hardly believe it. The little girl we used to call "summer baby," when she was born, is now an official school-ager! Oh, how I wish I could make time slow down and squeeze out every last drop of little girl goodness that surrounds me. My delightful little girls are growing up much too fast for my liking. I'm grateful for my front row seat in watching all this growing up that is taking place at lightning speed before my very eyes!

We had a lot of fun celebrating this little girl's special day: yummy cake and brownies, some fun presents, and best of all, time with our wonderful Wyoming family, who we don't get to see nearly enough!
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I hope you have an incredible year being six, my dear, sweet, little girl!
Lucky me, I get to be there to see you through all of it!

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