"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Omar Khayyam

"Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Trip to the Zoo...Don't Mind If We Do

 This past summer I went to the Denver Zoo for the first time. We were invited by some dear friends who were visiting family in Wyoming just like we were, and my mom got to come along too which made it even more fun. It was a hot, sticky day, but we sure enjoyed ourselves, and saw a lot of neat animals. 

Slap on some SPF and a sunhat, and fun can be had even on the hottest day!

Kate and Ellie are my elephant lovers. Ellie loved checking out the pretty pachyderms with Grammy!

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It's so much fun when a carousel has a whole menagerie to choose from!

Kate had to ride on the elephant of course

Ellie was excited to be such a big girl, riding just like her sisters

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