"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Omar Khayyam

"Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sometimes You Just Need a Friend

Jay returned yesterday after being away for a month-long training. We were ecstatic to have him home again. To celebrate, the girls really wanted to take Daddy out for ice cream after school. We've made it a bit of a tradition to go to one of the ice cream shops down by the ferry, and then go for a walk together along the marina. The marina is a beautifully landscaped area from which you can see the ferry, the moored boats, water-front homes and the gorgeous mountain peaks. Part of the beautiful landscaping is several large boulders that the girls like to climb on. One in particular is shaped a little like a chair and they like to pretend it's a bed and lay down on it.

Well, as soon as their ice cream was finished yesterday, they took off for their favorite rock. I'm not sure how many times they've been told not to run or jump by those rocks, but I'm sure by now the number is in the hundreds. Kate's feet were going a little too fast and down she went. I saw her fall, but from my vantage point I couldn't tell exactly where she'd landed. I yelled "Did she hit the rock?" and my stomach gave that sickening lurch it always does when one of your children takes a bad tumble. Maddie said "Yes!" Kate stood up and there was bright red blood everywhere. Thank goodness for Jay! He scooped her up and examined the damage and helped to stop the flow of blood. All the scary things that go through your head at a time like this - broken out teeth, broken noses, concussions, fractured skulls - just thinking about it makes my stomach quiver! She had hit her nose really good, but thankfully the soft part took the brunt of the impact and there was no serious damage. She was just sore and scared.

When we got home she just wanted to lie down in her bed, and she wanted "MaaMaa" (that's her pet name for Maddie, left over from the days when she was first beginning to talk and couldn't pronounce Maddie fully) to stay with her. Maddie said "Kate, would you like me to lay with you and read you a book?" So with a make-shift ice pack held to her swelling nose and eye, Kate fell asleep listening to Maddie read her library books. Then while she slept, Maddie made her "presents," consisting of pictures she drew and part of a birthday cupcake from a celebration at school.

Watching my girls care for each other like this is truly wonderful. The amount of love and empathy shared between them sometimes leaves me breathless. It more than makes up for the many moments we have had lately of fighting, yelling and general sisterly discord. My faith was renewed that sisters can be and forever remain the very best of friends.

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