"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Omar Khayyam

"Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Office Supplies

Something strange is going on at our house. I refer to it as "The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Office Supplies." Apparently, office supplies, particularly pens, pencils and tape are highly valuable commodities in this house. You might say they are worth their weight in gold. If you have one of these items, you better guard it carefully, because anything left unattended will disappear and you'll never see it again. The sad part is that this is not even an exaggeration.

The need to write anything down is always met with an inability to find any type of writing implement whatsoever. A broken crayon may be able to be scrounged up, but that is about it. So, unable to ever come into the possession of a pen when needed, Jay discovered an online deal that was just too good to pass up. Six pounds of pens for $15. Yes, six pounds! Everyone was allowed to select their two favorite pens from the box, and it was a happy day. There is a sad part to this story however, and it is that despite the fact we now possess six pounds of pen, I still felt compelled to hide the remaining pens in the top of my closet. Why, you ask? Because I'm scared of how fast they might disappear if I don't. (smile and wink)

Bright Eyes

Ever since this little one arrived all the comments have been about her eyes. Yes, they're big. Yes, they're bright. And we wouldn't have it any other way! Here's to you, my beautiful, big-eyed girl. From your mommy who couldn't possibly be any more proud of you. And so lucky that I get to call you my own.

The Oregon Coast...does it get any better than this?

For the long 4th of July weekend we went on our traditional trip to the Oregon Coast. For the third year in a row we have enjoyed the sand, surf and incredible beauty offered by this part of the country. This year we were blessed with even nicer weather than usual and not a minute of the extra sunshine was wasted. The girls played in the sand and the waves every day and Jay took advantage of his new bogieboard. That man has superhuman powers when it comes to enduring cold water. I could barely let the waves touch my feet before they were aching from the cold, and Jay was full body bogieboarding with only a pair of swim trunks on. We saw several surfers wearing full wet suits and they were only in the water half as long as Jay was. It's crazy, I tell you! We had a lot fun seeing Jay's mom and his brother and family and enjoying the holiday.

One of the best things that happened this weekend was taking a romantic sunset walk on the beach with the love of my life. It was astoundingly beautiful, both the scenery and the moments together. I'm still so grateful for those moments we carved out of the evening for that walk. Words will never be able to convey how truly grateful I am that this man is the Daddy of my little girls, and the one I get to spend the rest of my life loving.

Dora the Explorer

Portrait of Dora and Boots

Around here we're still loving Dora as much as we ever were. Kate's affection for Dora the Explorer began a little after her first birthday. At that time Maddie liked Dora too, and it was a mutual interest the two of them shared. Since then, Maddie has moved on to other things, but Kate is still my Dora girl. It's an infatuation that's been going strong for four years. I expect it to continue, especially if Ellie is eventually swayed by her sister's opinion.

I love you, my gorgeous Buggie Bug!

Happy Birthday to the Bean!

She's one!!! My baby princess is one!! I seriously cannot belive how fast this year has gone by. Our little Bean is one now, wow! Kate has always enjoyed informing everyone that Ellie is zero, so I think the fact that she can't say that anymore is kind of sad.

I love you, Ellie. I love your little bow-legged walk, your super tight hugs, and your big open-mouth kisses.
Most of all, I love being your mom. It's bliss!

p.s. sorry this birthday post is a bit on the late side-better late than never I suppose.

Nature Collage

The girls made me my very own nature collage with things they gathered from our yard. It couldn't have been more perfect! Amazing how a brown paper bag, scotch tape, and some "treasures" from the yard can create the perfect gift.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kate Turns Five!

I can't believe my Katie is now five! Seriously, where does the time go?
Happy Birthday, Buggie!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Fairy Castle...or, Camping (Take Two)

For the first part of Jay's leave, we took the girls camping again. We went back to the Duckabush River. This time we camped near a small branch of the river that was like a little stream. The girls loved it. Their dad helped them build a cool rock tower, which Kate informed me would be occupied by fairies as soon as we left. She called it a fairy castle. Jay was also able to show off his prowess with tarps again. There is no worry about rain ruining a camping trip when Jay is around. The good times were finished out with daily hikes, lots of playing in the water, and s'mores, of course. We were also entertained by Jay's nightly bedtime stories. He found a camping book he enjoyed from when he was a boy and he read parts of it to the girls every night at bedtime. He also told ghost stories (not too scary of ones) which was a first for them, and after the first one they begged to hear it again every night.

Posing with the Fairy Castle

Camping Hats

Getting the hang of this camping thing

Jay's tarp creations. No camping trip would be a success unless our campsite is completely rain-proof. Of course, this also means that it resembles a shanty town, but that's the price you pay for staying dry.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blissful Saturdays

One of my most favorite things about lazy Saturday mornings is finding three little girls in my bed doing this...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Big Helper

With a helper this great, is it any wonder I get my work done so quickly and effiecently? Dishes are my favorite, laundry is a close second!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

They're Baaaaack...

What's back? Why the strawberries of course. There is a strawberry patch in our front yard, and once this time of year rolls around that patch is a pretty popular place. One has to check for new berries often, you know. Today the girls were out there right after breakfast, hence the reason they're still in their pajamas.

Today we got a pretty good haul!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Camping on the Duckabush River

We took the girls on our first camping trip of the summer. We found a beautiful spot along the Duckabush River in Olympic National Forest. The weather was oh-so-typical Washington dreariness, but the girls still had a wonderful time. Thank goodness for Jay and his unfailing enthusiasm, which got me out of my funk and into camping-mode. I always seem to drag my feet when it comes to camping preparations, but we always have a good time once we get there. And since Jay is always ultra prepared, we were able to combat the constant drizzle and enjoy ourselves. The girls had fun fishing and playing in the river, and we went on a beautiful hike while we were there too. It was Ellie's first time camping and I am happy to report that she shows all the signs of being a great camper, which as you know, is an important trait to have in this family.
Thanks to Jay and his tarp the rain stayed out of the tent!
The s'mores were delicious!

It looks like Ellie is going to be a great camper too!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Important Fishing Update!

The girls were finally successful in their quest for a fish. Kate reeled it in, and she was so excited she was beside herself. She was dissapointed when she learned we weren't keeping it though.

"What do you want to do with it?," I asked.
"Take it home in a sack of water, so it can live at our house!"

Of course. Needless to say, the little fish was released and quickly swam away, hopefully back to his/her happy fish life in the pond.

"Did you get a picture of when we had to let it go?," Kate asked.
"I don't think so," I said.
"Is that because that was the sad part?"
"Yes, honey, because that was the sad part."

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sometimes You're Just Stuck

Do you know what's worse than trapping yourself under one of the kitchen stools? Realizing that you don't know how to crawl back out, and instead of immediately rescuing you, your mother laughs and gets out the camera to take your picture. Poor, sweet baby!

*No babies were harmed during the taking of this picture. She was promptly freed and sped off to the living room, where she was last seen removing all items from the bookshelves and generally terrorizing her older sisters.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Learning to Fish. . .Pink Style

We took the girls to a new sporting goods store that opened up near our house. Whenever we go into a place like that they are magically drawn to whatever pink merchandise is on sale. It doesn't matter what it is, what it does, or what it looks like. Just as long as it's pink. Pink is the one and only qualifying factor. Well, Kate saw a pink fishing pole and that was it. We had to get it. Granted, the girls have both said before at various times that they've wanted to go fishing, so getting a pole didn't come entirely out of the blue (no pun intended). And Jay, being the awesome father of all girls that his is, got the pink pole and tackle box and bait to go with it. He too has long understood the power of pink.

We tried the new pole out and it was a resounding success. We didn't catch any fish, but that is entirely beside the point. Casting out the line and reeling it back in over, and over, and over was more than enough fun. There was even great excitement when Maddie managed to reel in a leaf. Actually, I think catching a real fish would have been too much, for now we're just acclimating to the new pink pole.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Great Houdini

I have no memory of Maddie ever trying to get out of the highchair. I'm sure when she was finished eating she may have tried to once or twice, but that's about it. Kate never tried to, period. I'm sure of that because we eventually removed the straps so they wouldn't be the way while we cleaned her up and put her in and out. Well silly us! With Ellie that's a completely different story. She can't be in the thing for more than five minutes without trying to escape. We have an extra strap in it now, and I tighten it as tight as it will go. I'm actually afraid sometimes that I might be getting it too tight and will hurt her little tummy. Well, the tight strap doesn't bother her in the least. I'm not quite sure how she does it, but she manages to wriggle out of that thing on a daily basis. One moment she's strapped tightly in and the next she's standing up and looking very pleased with herself. She doesn't seem to escape because she's finished eating, she would just rather stand and eat. I'm beginning to wonder why I bother. She's a virtual highchair Houdini!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cape Flattery

We decided to take the girls on a trip to Cape Flattery. Cape Flattery is absolutely gorgeous. Pictures do not even begin to do this place justice. When the trail through the woods opened up to the ocean views we were blown away by the sheer majesty of the seascapes. It was a moment where you just have to pause and literally take a deep breath and stand humbled in the face of such natural beauty. Cape Flattery is the farthest northwest point in the lower 48 states, and since we're so close to it we thought it would be neat for the girls to have a picture of themselves there. Now when we move back to New England next year, we're planning to visit the northeastern-most point in Maine so that we will have visited both corners.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Toothy McTootherson

Since Ellie has seen fit to sprout six new teeth in the last three weeks, for a grand total of eight, I proposed renaming her Toothy McTootherson. Kate dually informed me that "Ellie will NEVER like that name." You know, she's probably right. So Toothy is out, and Ellie is still in. But I do think I had a valid point, no?

(Please note that the sad bangs and bruises are due to the fact Ellie insists on using her forehead as a battering ram as she continues mastering the art of pulling herself up and standing solo. Normally this would worry me greatly, but having survived this stage with Maddie and Kate, I have realized that despite the large number of meetings that take place between a baby's head and various hard objects, the bruises aren't permanent, and the other damage doesn't seem to be either. We have our families' heredity to thank for that. Unusually hard heads seem to run in the family.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sometimes You Just Need a Friend

Jay returned yesterday after being away for a month-long training. We were ecstatic to have him home again. To celebrate, the girls really wanted to take Daddy out for ice cream after school. We've made it a bit of a tradition to go to one of the ice cream shops down by the ferry, and then go for a walk together along the marina. The marina is a beautifully landscaped area from which you can see the ferry, the moored boats, water-front homes and the gorgeous mountain peaks. Part of the beautiful landscaping is several large boulders that the girls like to climb on. One in particular is shaped a little like a chair and they like to pretend it's a bed and lay down on it.

Well, as soon as their ice cream was finished yesterday, they took off for their favorite rock. I'm not sure how many times they've been told not to run or jump by those rocks, but I'm sure by now the number is in the hundreds. Kate's feet were going a little too fast and down she went. I saw her fall, but from my vantage point I couldn't tell exactly where she'd landed. I yelled "Did she hit the rock?" and my stomach gave that sickening lurch it always does when one of your children takes a bad tumble. Maddie said "Yes!" Kate stood up and there was bright red blood everywhere. Thank goodness for Jay! He scooped her up and examined the damage and helped to stop the flow of blood. All the scary things that go through your head at a time like this - broken out teeth, broken noses, concussions, fractured skulls - just thinking about it makes my stomach quiver! She had hit her nose really good, but thankfully the soft part took the brunt of the impact and there was no serious damage. She was just sore and scared.

When we got home she just wanted to lie down in her bed, and she wanted "MaaMaa" (that's her pet name for Maddie, left over from the days when she was first beginning to talk and couldn't pronounce Maddie fully) to stay with her. Maddie said "Kate, would you like me to lay with you and read you a book?" So with a make-shift ice pack held to her swelling nose and eye, Kate fell asleep listening to Maddie read her library books. Then while she slept, Maddie made her "presents," consisting of pictures she drew and part of a birthday cupcake from a celebration at school.

Watching my girls care for each other like this is truly wonderful. The amount of love and empathy shared between them sometimes leaves me breathless. It more than makes up for the many moments we have had lately of fighting, yelling and general sisterly discord. My faith was renewed that sisters can be and forever remain the very best of friends.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

When Daddy is in charge of the camera...

What do you see?

Nice mother/daughter shot


Baby who has lots of snot?

(Kleenex please, Daddy!)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

Mother's Day was a simple affair around here this year. The highlights included watching Kate's preschool class perform a darling singing concert during the morning church service, followed by a picnic lunch down at our swing set. Maddie and Kate were both so excited to have me open the gifts they had made for me. Maddie's was a beautiful set of note cards with a tulip design she created and printed herself, and Kate made me a sweet tea towel with her four-and-a-half-year-old hand prints all over it.

Best of all, even Ellie got in on the action. In the days before Mother's Day she began saying "mama," which I think we can all agree, are the sweetest two syllables any mom can hear. It is especially endearing when she says it over and over again as I'm holding her, and she's patting my shoulder. And to spread even more icing on the already sweet cake, on Mother's Day night she went to sleep in her crib at eight o'clock and didn't make another sound until six the next morning. I woke up in a panic and ran to her room, only to be greeted by a baby sitting up and playing contentedly with her blanket. The first night of solid sleeping always has this effect on me. LOVE the uninterrupted sleep, HATE the moment of sheer panic (something must be wrong! I haven't slept through the night in months) Only took us ten months to get here, now we'll have to see if it lasts.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wish Blossoms

The Wish Blossom is Maddie and Kate's favorite flower. All you have to do is pick it and make a wish as you blow the fluff away. One time Kate told me her wish was for more Wish Blossoms to grow. I think that one came true, our yard seems to be full of them.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I see you!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Little Bean

The Little Bean entered our life two and half weeks before we expected her last summer. She has been playing the game by her own rules ever since. Before we even brought Ellie home from the hospital, Kate had started calling her Ellie Jelly Bean, and she has been referred to as some version of Bean ever since. I'm sure it's not going to be something she loves, but there will time enough for her to hate it later. Like her sisters before her, she is fiesty and independent. Well, not completly independent yet, she is attached to her mama. Sometimes this stage can be so frustrating, but I do miss it when it's over. Children are just never as dependent on you in the same sweet, precious way ever again. Who could resist those wide eyes staring up at you and two little outstretched arms insisting on being picked up? It forgives the fussy baby who has been doggedly following you around and preventing showers or even bathroom visits from being taken with any privacy. Ellie loves her big sisters. One of my favorites times of the day is when she sees them for the first time in the morning. She gets so excited when she first hears them, and then when she sees them come into the room the excitement bubbles over into full body jumps, quivers, hoots, and smiles. It is a wonderful thing to behold. I'm thankful every day for this Little Bean who has come to be a part of our family.